Friday, May 02, 2008

Top 10 to do lists

I've been tagged by ate Butchay. I think this is all i need before we'll fly to Vietnam and Australia. So, heres my Top 10 to-do list:

1. Buy more suncream.
2. Go shopping and buy everything that we need.
3. Go to the hairsalon to dye my hair and get a magic straight.
4. Make sure to eat all the food in the refrigerator before we leave.
5. Take a bath my doggie because my mom in law will take care of her while we are away.
6. Meet my former co-worker. I met her before we went to Thailand and told her to meet again when i come back but until now i haven't met her, yet because of our busy schedule.
7. Do all the given tasks if there is.
8. Do the laundry and make sure to leave the house clean.
9. Buy the travel books.
10. Get enough rest and sleep.

Now, i'm tagging alf, naomi, shimumsy, shiela, rooks, gracey, lourdz, tanya, lutchi and travelinlife. Tell me your top10-to-do-lists guys!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi ! thanks for the tag...will be doing this in a while!

have a great week...